Round Prairie Library is located at 170 – 250 Hunter Road and now is open for limited services due to Covid-19. For more details, read their reopen plan.
The library is named after the La Prairie Ronde (or Round Prairie) Métis, a community of buffalo hunters that established a wintering site near Dakota Whitecap in the late 1800’s. In the 1920’s and 30’s many in the community were forced to migrate to Saskatoon in search of work, and by the 40’s they had established a permanent and close-knit community near the current site of the library. They were forced by the Crown to relocate in the 1950’s.
Transit services to Stonebridge are provided by Saskatoon Transit on route No. 17 (University – Stonebridge via Clarence).
To view the route map and times for Stonebridge, please click here.
Waste Management
Trash Collection – Mondays
Recycling Collection – Thursdays
Pick-ups are every second week during the winter.
The city provides an online service where you can download a calendar and sign up for email and text reminders so you never miss collection day. You also should have received a printed copy in the mail.
Remember to have your carts out by 7:00 am on collection day, and to please leave your carts out until they are collected.