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Proposed Rezoning in Stonebridge

The information contained in this notice can also be found on the City of Saskatoon website.


SOLO Properties Ltd. on behalf of ROCOM Management Ltd., Robb Holdings Ltd., Wolman Properties Ltd., Zdunich Consulting Inc. and 101013599 Saskatchewan Ltd. has applied to rezone 214, 215, 302 and 303 Stonebridge Boulevard, and 302 Cope Lane as shown on the attached location map. 

The proposal would provide for the sites to be rezoned from B2 – District Commercial District to B3 – Medium Density Arterial Commercial District. The proposed rezoning would permit additional land uses on small to medium sized commercial lots. 

What is a Rezoning? 

All property in the City of Saskatoon is assigned a zoning designation under the Zoning Bylaw No. 8770. Within each zoning designation, specific land uses are either permitted, prohibited, or discretionary. 

Applications to change the zoning designation of a property may be considered through a rezoning process, which includes review by City Administration and engagement with the surrounding neighbourhood. All rezoning applications require a decision by City Council at a Public Hearing upon conclusion of the process. 

Rezoning applications are evaluated on a case-by-case basis where both the subject site and the surrounding neighbourhood are considered in the review. 

What is the Typical Process for a Rezoning Application? 

When a rezoning application is received by Planning and Development, it is reviewed for conformity with the Official Community Plan, Zoning Bylaw, and other applicable city planning policies and development regulations. It is also circulated to other Civic Departments to review technical considerations such as the capacity of water, wastewater, stormwater, and transportation infrastructure to accommodate the proposal. Page 2 March 4, 2021 

Once internal review by the relevant Civic Departments is complete, public engagement on the application is undertaken. This phase of the process provides the opportunity for members of the public to review a proposal, ask questions, identify issues, and provide comment. Registered property owners, typically within 75-150 metres of the subject site, the Community Association, and the Ward Councillor are notified of the application, and are invited to provide questions and comment. When necessary, a public information meeting is held that may include a formal presentation, and question and answer session. 

Following public engagement, Planning and Development prepares a report that includes a recommendation on the application, and outlines information collected from the internal review and public engagement processes. The report is first considered by the Municipal Planning Commission, an advisory committee to City Council. The final decision to approve or deny a rezoning rests with City Council who consider the report, and recommendation along with the Municipal Planning Commission’s feedback at a Public Hearing. Any member of the public is welcome to provide a written submission, or address City Council regarding the application at the Public Hearing. 

Questions and Comments 

If you have any questions or wish to provide written comments to the Planning and Development Department regarding this application, please contact: 

Anthony Wood | Planner 

Please provide any comments prior to 5:00 PM on March 25, 2021. Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the City of Saskatoon is conducting all engagement activities virtually and through mail outs at this time.