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Business Directory – Sign Up Page

We have created promotional opportunities exclusively for businesses located in Stonebridge to connect with residents in our growing area.

Online Business Directory – $150/year

Businesses will be listed on our website:

Businesses will be grouped by category (e.g. restaurant, professional services, etc.) and then listed alphabetically.


  • Logo
  • Business Name
  • Address
  • Website
  • Email
  • Telephone
  • 50 word description of your business

The business directory will be promoted in our newsletter and through our social media.

Home-based Business Directory – $40/year

Businesses will be listed on our website

Home-based businesses will be grouped by product/brand (e.g. Tupperware, Scentsy, Baked Goods, etc.) and then listed alphabetically. We will not limit the number of representatives from any product.


  • Contact Name
  • Email
  • Telephone
  • Website (if applicable)

The business directory will be promoted in our newsletter and through our social media.

Business Feature Story (Newsletter) – $400/issue (online) or $600/issue (print)
(*subject to change and availability)

In each issue of our newsletter, Stonebridge Slate (published online 3 times annually [Feb, May, November], print/online edition 1 time annually [August]) we will profile a local business.

The feature story will be 1 page in length. We will assign a professional writer to conduct an interview about your business, gather background information about your products/services, and also to take photos that will be included with the article. You will have the opportunity to approve the article before it is published.

We will also feature the business profile on our social media and website.

There will be no other advertising in the newsletter, so this is a very exclusive opportunity. Bookings will be taken on a first come, first serve basis.


All bookings and content should be confirmed and coordinated via correspondence with our SCA Business Liaison.

Payment Information

Listings are valid for one year from September 1 to August 31. They must be renewed annually to remain active.

A notice will be sent in advance of a listing expiry.

Credit Card Payments:

Click on “register to play,” select your name as the “player” and follow the instructions online.


Stonebridge Community Association
PO Box 23085
Market Mall
Saskatoon, SK S7J 5H3

For more information

Michelle Donald
Business Liaison, Stonebridge Community Association