Welcome! Thank you for your interest in this survey.
The Stonebridge Community Association is hosting this survey as part of a collaborative Community Safety and Well-Being Plan. Surveying residents of Stonebridge will help us understand the current state of well-being and residents’ feelings of safety in Stonebridge. Good information will help us work together to focus on local actions to improve the quality of life for everyone.
15 minutes of your time is all we need. We will ask you questions about your day-to-day life, health, education, employment, and safety experiences. By sharing your experiences and what matters to you, you can help to shape life in Stonebridge, determine community priorities, and indicate where you think change is needed.
Participation is voluntary and you can withdraw from the survey at any time. However, once submitted, your survey cannot be withdrawn as none of the information is tied to a name or address. Your decision to participate, or not, will have no impact on any services you are currently receiving from the City or a community organization and we do not ask for your name at any time.
Your responses will be kept confidential by grouping responses together and by removing any identifying information. Survey responses will be stored securely and only the project coordinator, city staff and Stonebridge Community Association involved in the project will have access to your individual, anonymous responses. The results will be collated, summarized in a report and shared with local stakeholders and partners. A cleaned and de-identified version of the data set will also be posted on a publicly accessible data sharing website. This data set will not include your open-ended responses or any information that could identify you, certain groups (e.g. certain ethnic groups) or organizations. Open-ended responses (e.g. comments) will not be shared publicly.
If you have any questions about this survey, please contact the project coordinator, John Sutherland, through the Stonebridge Community Association website. By completing and submitting this survey, you are providing your consent for participation.
Thank you for completing this survey!
If you have any additional questions about this survey, or the Stonebridge Community Association, please contact us here: