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Volunteers needed

With our AGM coming up in April, we’re looking to elect some new people to the community association executive!  Here are the descriptions of duties for the positions that will be vacant:

Vice-President Community Engagement

  • Assist the president in the overall organization leadership & operation, specifically focused on communications (website, facebook, newsletter) and special events.
  • Coordinate special committees as required
  • Serve as “President in Training”, learning all the aspects of the community organization.
  • Prepare grant applications with Treasurer


  • Record, type and distribute minutes of meetings
  • File minutes for future reference
  • Type agenda, and notify members of next meeting time and place
  • Maintain up-to-date list of executive
  • Book room for monthly meetings


  • Maintain the financial account records of the Association.
  • Prepare and present up-to-date Balance Sheet and Statement of Revenues and Expenses at each monthly Executive meeting.
  • Prepare year-end Balance Sheet and Statement of Revenues and Expenses and facilitate work of external accountants conducting Review Engagement on these statements.  Present statements at AGM.
  • Prepare and present annual budget for the Association.
  • Assist with collection of membership and registration fees at all association registration nights.  Prepare cash floats as required.
  • Assist in the collection of NSF cheques and advertising receivables.
  • Deposit all Association revenues and grant money.
  • Process short-term investment of surplus funds.
  • Receive invoices of the Association and process payment.  Act as co-signatory on chequing account.
  • Process renewal of Association’s insurance policies.
  • Prepare grant application forms and submit to City of Saskatoon.
  • Prepare Association’s annual return and submit to Province of Saskatchewan.
  • Attend monthly Executive meetings
  • Attend registration nights.
  • Periodic Bank deposits.
  • Skills required: basic accounting and administration

Special Events Coordinator

  • In charge of planning, preparation, and execution of CA social events.
  • Schedule, plan, advertise and be present at social functions
  • Prepare budget estimates for social functions, and handle payment of associated expenses
  • Submit information related to social functions to school & CA newsletters.

Program Coordinator for Children & Youth

  • Coordinate and organize programs for children (training from the City of Saskatoon can be provided for programming ideas)
  • Prepare budget for programming
  • Hire instructors (the City of Saskatoon can assist with this), book schools (or organization) space
  • Responsible for equipment and supplies used in programs
  • Coordinate fall & winter indoor program registrations
  • Prepare program information forms and submit to City of Saskatoon Leisure Guide
  • Share program information info with your association newsletter and community association.

Program Coordinator for Adult Programs

  • Coordinate and organize programs for adults (training from the City of Saskatoon can be provided for programming ideas)
  • Prepare budget for programming
  • Hire instructors (the City of Saskatoon can assist with this), book schools (or organization) space
  • Responsible for equipment and supplies used in programs
  • Coordinate fall & winter indoor program registrations
  • Prepare program information forms and submit to City of Saskatoon Leisure Guide
  • Share program information info with your association newsletter and community association.

Basketball Coordinator

  • Organize and coordinate registration and develop team lists for the Saskatoon Minor Basketball Association league
  • Ensure there are sufficient coaches for the teams and the coaches are aware of their duties.  Keep in contact with the coaches to ensure things are running smoothly.
  • Register teams with SMBA.  Be knowledgeable in & keep coaches informed about league regulations.
  • Distribute schedules and equipment to coaches
  • Establish annual budget for all basketball needs
  • Coordinate with coaches and program coordinators to schedule and book gym space for team practices

Newsletter Coordinator

  • Create a paper copy newsletter and digital copy newsletter by soliciting topics / material from the CA and researching what other Saskatoon CAs produce.
  • Arrange for printing and keep to a budget for production
  • Arrange for delivery of the paper copy of newsletter
  • Arrange for email delivery of the digital copy of the newsletter, and provide to website coordinator for posting on the website / Facebook


All board members should also attend monthly executive meetings, add ideas and assist with CA initiatives as required or as interested.

If you are interested in any of these positions, let me know at, or attend our AGM on April 17th, 8pm, at the Stonebridge schools’ community resource room!